Options After You Finish Home School

A lot of questions arrive after a student finishes homeschooling. There are concerns about graduating, getting a job, applying for college, and more. There is no one set answer for these concerns because requirements vary with each state. Each online school may have different processes when someone completes their homeschool curriculum.
One of the issues of conflict among parents and students is the lack of a physical homeschool diploma. While some schools offer them, most only give you a digital copy, which makes sense in today’s world. Even then, some students may find it challenging to apply for college or get a job without a physical copy. Getting a physical copy of your diploma through Hey Congrats will add to the feeling of accomplishment, and provide a document necessary for the future.
Each state has different home school laws, most of which have gotten updates since the pandemic. By following these set laws, you’ll be able to create a detailed plan for the student to tackle all subjects required. For example, some states may require that the student has a private tutor or enrolls in one of their accredited schools.
States with more leniency towards homeschooling only require them to take specific subjects. The laws are your starting point, and ensure your child’s graduation is legitimate.
From there, the next challenge is getting the diploma. It also depends on the state, as some have standardized rules surrounding this while others may not require it. Because a student can end up in different parts of the country, having a physical copy is necessary. Add a holder for the diploma from Hey Congrats, and you have a legitimate document.
It’s easy to find the graduation requirements as each state government website has them posted. Note that some states may require a GPA, meaning it’s the parents’ responsibility to enforce appropriate grading.
College and Higher Education
Another option to take up after homeschooling is higher education. While it isn’t required, completing college can provide many benefits when in the workforce. The most obvious is that most jobs require a minimum education before someone can apply. There are many ways to approach college education, including:
Applying for university takes time as the school has to consider whether the student is a fit for them. You’ll likely try for several and choose the best option. As this takes some time, getting a head start is ideal. Some begin their applications during their senior year because it gives enough time to prepare and get an answer.
By applying early, you can also get a view of available scholarships. The best ones have reservations near graduation, so seeking one now has an advantage.
Universities know that some students will be coming from unusual educational backgrounds. What they do is they open the door through college admission tests. You’ll take the exam, and it will factor into whether or not they will admit you to their school.
You’ll also likely do some visitations to get a feel for the campus. Apart from that, students will complete essays that detail why they want to attend the university. These must be nearly perfect and appeal to the university applied. The recommendation is for students to have around five colleges as options. The more you have, the better your odds will be later on.
Community Colleges
If price is an issue, then community college is an option for those seeking higher education beyond high school. It may also be ideal for a student who’s still lagging in several subjects. They’ll be able to get a class that works at their level, so long as they’re at least 18 years old. Many go to community college because it’s an affordable option.
Why go to community college? Because it will be a student’s first young adult experience in a similar environment. Someone homeschooled may not have the minimum skills to make it in a place like a university with expectations. Here they have more freedom to set their schooling pace. Not only that, but pushing through it will open up more career options, or they can transfer to a university after a few years.
Other Options
According to data, a good part of homeschool students head for college education after completing their studies. A small percentage of them pursue graduate studies if they have interests in specific courses or career paths. While there is no set path, here are some other options that a new graduate may consider:
A good percentage of homeschool students may either think that college is unnecessary or too expensive. If they are from a family that already runs a business, they might begin a young career nurtured to take over from their parents. Because there is a need for someone to take over the work, there is a demand for them. Instead of studying, they spend years honing their skills for their future path.
Alternatively, others may pursue business interests early on. They may have begun working or were already engaged in business before homeschooling. Some students were from traditional institutions, but the need for more time led them to transition to a homeschool setting. In this scenario, they may continue their business endeavors after school.
Jump into a Career Path
Some students venture into homeschooling because they already have a set path at a young age. Maybe they have been getting acting jobs when they were young, so they need to be more flexible with schooling. Others may have careers in music, arts, athletic competition, and the like. Because they have to dedicate a part of their day to advancing their young careers, they need to be more open with the time for their studies.
Once they finish school, you’ll find that most of them head back to their career path that has already started. There are a few cases where a graduate may pursue other things. It usually happens if they’ve lost interest in their past career, moved on from it, or discovered another passion while learning.
Other Life Choices
Some women may not opt to pursue work or higher education after finishing their studies. They may begin life homemaking if they get married or have children before or after completing their homeschool studies. In this case, they focus on their family instead and being a homemaker. Later on, they may pursue other paths, but at least they’ve finished schooling.
There are also some other unusual paths. Maybe they get into volunteer work, begin life as a missionary, or dedicate themselves to a church.
A development from most homeschooled students is that they tend to excel at whatever they do after. Home helps them develop their knowledge and skills that lead them to succeed, Whether they apply for college or pursue another thing.
Either way, having physical proof is necessary for the next steps. Hanging on to a copy of your diploma may be needed for applications, school, work, and other things. Securing a copy and holder from Hey Congrats is a great option to acquire that physical document.
A Physical Diploma
The majority of schools and workplaces require records from your previous study. That means a copy of grades, diplomas, and other documents that prove the applicant’s qualifications. If a student received homeschooling using a traditional curriculum, it isn’t a challenge to get this information. However, those who have pursued alternative homeschool studies may find it hard to do this.
When this happens, you need every document to prove what they’ve accomplished during their homeschool years. It’s best to match those with current educational standards to make it easy to compare.
When this happens, documents become a must. A professional copy of a diploma and grades can make the difference in any decision. It can help solidify your argument and stance. Some institutions may adjust the qualifications based on how they see the applicant, so it pays to have documented and printed proof.
Hey Congrats: Helping Homeschool Graduates
For the past 20 years, Hey Congrats has provided high-quality documents for home school students. It’s a way to get accredited and certified documents necessary to help students get to the next step in their lives. We offer both home school diplomas and holders that can suit any of your needs. Get custom-made designs with assured quality and a dedicated team from Hey Congrats.
What do homeschoolers do after graduation?, https://www.phaa.org/newsletter/issue66.htm
Writing your next chapter: figuring out your life after homeschool, https://homeschoollifemag.com/blog/2017/1/10/writing-your-next-chapter-figuring-out-your-life-after-homeschool
What’s next? 8 options after high school, https://www.thehomeschoolmom.com/what-is-next-8-options-after-high-school/